Finally, you want to add something new to the conclusion that gives your reader something to think about or encourages the reader to take some type of action. Summarizing your arguments generally involves using a one-sentence statement to summarize each argument you made in the paper. Restating your thesis statement or main idea does not mean simply reusing your thesis statement you need to paraphrase the statement so that it contains the same information, but in a fresh manner. Introduce a thought-provoking comment or question that explains why your essay was relevant. Summarize the arguments you made in your essay and Writing a great conclusion means that you have a limited space to accomplish three very specific goals: If you do not know what a conclusion is supposed to accomplish, have no fear- we will explain it to you. You just may not know what you need for that great conclusion. We believe that you have what it takes to write a great conclusion for your paper. More often than not, it simply means that you need to step away from the writing process, take a break, and come back after the break and write the conclusion with a fresh mind and clear head. Having this problem does not mean that you will not be able to create a strong conclusion. It is not uncommon to write an entire paper, including the conclusion, and then realize that you have just managed to reiterate the introduction. Where does that leave you if you are struggling to finish your paper on a strong final note? Well, it depends on why you are struggling. That is why it is really important to end your paper with a strong conclusion. If either the introduction or the conclusion seems weak, then the entire paper will seem weak, even if it is a solid, strong, well-supported academic paper. This means that they tend to better remember material that they read at the beginning of an essay and at the end of the essay than they do the material in the middle. Readers are impacted by two concepts: primacy and recency. While struggling to write a great conclusion is a common problem, it can also be a very dangerous one. However, while your conclusion and introduction should bookend the contents of the paper, you want to avoid making them too similar the conclusion needs to reiterate the points you made in the body of the paper. It can be really tempting just to try to paraphrase the introduction. Good writers know that the conclusion is supposed to mirror the introduction and recap the most important points in the paper, but can still struggle with creating a conclusion that is fresh and original.

Have you ever written a whole essay, only to get writer’s block at the end? You are not alone.